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Browsing Articles (Departament d'Economia) by Issue Date

Browsing Articles (Departament d'Economia) by Issue Date

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  • López i Casasnovas, Guillem (Elsevier, 1989)
    Las páginas que siguen tratan de ofrecer diferentes lineas de argumentatión contra una positión de pesimismo. que parece instalada en nuestra administratión sanitaria, respecto de las escasas posibilidades de una mejor ...
  • López i Casasnovas, Guillem; Santiñá Vila, Manuel (Elsevier, 1989)
    Aquest treball te com a propòsit analitzar les semblances que es produeixen entre alguns sistemes hospitalaris, tal com s'han desenvolupat als Estats Units, i els consorcis o altres formes d'associacio entre hospitals ...
  • López i Casasnovas, Guillem (Elsevier, 1993)
    La dinàmica que I'enginyeria gerencial és capaç de crear en el sector sanitari és, a l'actualitat, enorme. Això fa convenient, de tant en tant, fer una espècie de ‘parada i fonda’ per bé d'analitzar la consistència a la ...
  • López i Casasnovas, Guillem (Elsevier, 1993)
  • Puig i Junoy, Jaume; Ortún Rubio, Vicente; Ondategui Parra, Silvia (Elsevier, 2000)
    Objetivo Se pretende en este estudio valorar el grado de consenso respecto de los conocimientos, valores y políticas en Economía de la Salud de los tres grupos identificables (académicos, gestores y clínicos) en el seno ...
  • Clua Espuny, José Luis; Puig i Junoy, Jaume; Queralt Tomás, María Lluïsa; Palau Galindo, Antoni (Elsevier, 2000)
    Objetivo Comparar el coste-efectividad de la práctica de la automonitorización de glucosa en sangre capilar (MGS) frente a su no uso. Métodos Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo durante el periodo 1995-1997 sobre 597 ...
  • Cabrales, Antonio; Motta, Massimo (Elsevier, 2001)
    We analyze the effects of trade liberalization on firms’ decisions and profits in a vertical product differentiation model with countries which have different characteristics. Firms decide product specifications at the ...
  • Celentani, Marco; Ganuza, Juan-José (Springer, 2002)
    We study bureaucratic corruption in a model in which a constituency sets required levels for a given set of activities. Each activity is carried out by an external provider and its realization is supervised by a bureaucrat. ...
  • Greenacre, Michael (Elsevier, 2002)
    This report gives a comprehensive explanation of the multivariate technique called correspondence analysis, applied in the context of a large survey of a nation's state of health, in this case the Spanish National Health ...
  • Dalang, Robert C.; Nualart, Eulàlia (Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), 2004)
    We give general sufficient conditions which imply upper and lower bounds for the probability that a multiparameter process hits a given set E in terms of a capacity of E related to the process. This extends a result of ...
  • Nualart, Eulàlia; Mountford, Thomas S. (Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), 2004)
    We use Girsanov's theorem to establish a conjecture of Khoshnevisan, Xiao and Zhong that ϕ(r)=rN−d/2(loglog(1r))d/2 is the exact Hausdorff measure function for the zero level set of an N-parameter d-dimensional additive ...
  • Celentani, Marco; Ganuza, Juan-José; Peydró, José-Luis (Wiley, 2004)
    International business transactions pose the problem of deterring bribing of public officials by foreign firms. We first analyse a convention styled after the OECD's ‘Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public ...
  • Inoue, Atsushi; Rossi, Barbara, 1971- (Taylor & Francis, 2005)
    We propose a sequential test for predictive ability for recursively assessing whether some economic variables have explanatory content for another variable. In the forecasting literature it is common to assess predictive ...
  • Pesavento, Elena; Rossi, Barbara, 1971- (Cambridge University Press, 2005)
    This paper analyzes the robustness of the estimate of a positive productivity shock on hours to the presence of a possible unit root in hours. Estimations in levels or in first differences provide opposite conclusions. We ...
  • Gil-Bazo, Javier; Moreno Muñoz, Jesús David; Tapia Torres, Miguel Ángel (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2005)
    In this paper, we investigate further the way information disseminates from informed to uninformed traders in a market populated by heterogeneous boundedly rational agents. In order to achieve the goal, a computer simulated ...
  • Rossi, Barbara, 1971- (Taylor & Francis, 2005)
    Existing point estimates of half-life deviations from purchasing power parity (PPP), around 3–5 years, suggest that the speed of convergence is extremely slow. This article assesses the degree of uncertainty around these ...
  • Puig i Junoy, Jaume (Elsevier, 2006)
    Introducción El objetivo de este breve artículo consiste en presentar los resultados de las proyecciones del impacto sobre el gasto sanitario público español hasta el año 2013 de los principales factores demográficos y ...
  • Satorra, Albert; Ventura, Eva; Costa Saenz de San Pedro, Alex (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya (IDESCAT), 2006)
    A national survey designed for estimating a specific population quantity is sometimes used for estimation of this quantity also for a small area, such as a province. Budget constraints do not allow a greater sample size ...
  • Gil-Bazo, Javier (Wiley, 2006)
    Boudry and Gray (2003) have documented that the optimal buy-and-hold demand for Australian stocks is not necessarily increasing in the investment horizon when returns are predictable. Such finding is in contrast with ...
  • Palomo Cobos, Luis; Márquez Calderón, Soledad; Ortún Rubio, Vicente; Benavides, Fernando G. (Fernando García) (Elsevier, 2006)
    A las mejoras en la salud y en la calidad y la esperanza de vida en los países desarrollados contribuyeron los avances científicos y tecnológicos, las mejoras económicas y sociales, la sociedad de la comunicación, la ...

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