Documents de recerca, en accés obert, com ara articles de revista, llibres, comunicacions, ponències o posters a jornades i congressos, etc., del Departament d'Economia i Empresa de la UPF.
This paper shows that formalizing private property rights has a positive effect on the propensity to respect the property of others. We study a recent large-scale land tenure reform in West Africa that was the first of its ...
Wood, Jonathan R.; Greenacre, Michael(Springer Nature, 2021)
Chemical compositional data sets of archaeological artefacts are often analysed using standard statistical procedures. Adopting a different approach, we examine the major element oxides found in Parthian and Sasanian glazed ...
Oller, Josep M.; Satorra, Albert; Tobeña, Adolf(MDPI, 2020)
During the last decade, the Catalonian secessionist challenge induced a chronic crisis within Spain's politics that does not offer hints of a viable arrangement. The rapidly escalating demands for secession ran almost in ...
Spektor, Mikhail; Wulff, Dirk U.(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Governments use taxes to discourage undesired behaviors and encourage desired ones. One target of such interventions is reckless behavior, such as texting while driving, which in most cases is harmless but sometimes leads ...
We use daily data from a large Spanish financial institution to analyze the spending responses to a one-off cash transfer to mitigate the impact of the surge in inflation during the 2022-2023 period. Using a staggered ...
Oliva Moreno, Juan; Brosa Riestra, Max; Espín Balbino, Jaime; Trapero-Bertran, Marta; Key4Value-Grupo I(Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2015)
La evaluación económica de intervenciones sanitarias ha experimentado un fuerte desarrollo en la última década y cada vez está más presente como herramienta de apoyo en la toma decisiones sobre financiación pública de ...
Vladasel, Theodor; Parker, Simon C.; Sloof, Randolph; van Praag, Mirjam(Wiley, 2024)
Revenue drift, whereby insufficient attention is given to economic, relative to social, goals, threatens social enterprise performance and survival. We argue that financial incentives can address this problem by redirecting ...
Bustos, Paula; Garber, Gabriel; Ponticelli, Jacopo(Oxford University Press, 2020)
Several scholars argue that high agricultural productivity can retard industrial development because it draws resources toward the comparative advantage sector, agriculture. However, agricultural productivity growth can ...
Denrell, Jerker; Le Mens, Gaël(Cambridge University Press, 2023)
People revisit the restaurants they like and avoid the restaurants with which they had a poor experience. This tendency to approach alternatives believed to be good is usually adaptive but can lead to a systematic bias. ...
We study the effects of the adoption of new agricultural technologies on structural transformation. To guide empirical work, we present a simple model where the effect of agricultural productivity on industrial development ...
This paper studies the impact of a regional free trade agreement, MERCOSUR, on technology upgrading by Argentinean firms. To guide empirical work, I introduce technology choice in a model of trade with heterogeneous firms. ...
Muñoz, Celia; Trapero-Bertran, Marta; Cheung, Kei Long; Evers, Silvia M. A. A.; Hiligsmann, Mickaël; de Vries, Hein; López-Nicolás, Ángel(Elsevier, 2016)
Introducción El Proyecto Europeo EQUIPT pretende adaptar una herramienta de retorno de la inversión en tabaco para varios países, con el fin de proporcionar información sobre el retorno de invertir en estrategias y justificar ...
Objetivo. La necesidad de conocer la percepción de la calidad asistencial recibida por los ciudadanos es clave para abordar con éxito mejoras en la prestación de los servicios de salud. El principal objetivo de este trabajo ...
I show that an advertising ban is more likely to increase—rather than decrease—total consumption when advertising does not bring about a large expansion of market demand at given prices and when it increases product ...
Riba i Romeva, Clara; Boix Serra, Carles(Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2024)
Este informe de investigación examina los factores sociales y políticos que han determinado el nivel y variabilidad de la abstención electoral en las elecciones generales españolas. Extendiendo los modelos de carácter ...
We study the effects of women's school starting age on the infant health of their offspring. In Spain, children born in December start school a year earlier than those born the following January, despite being essentially ...
We document that international migrants concentrate more in expensive cities—the more so, the lower the prices in their origin countries are—and consume less locally than comparable natives. We rationalize this empirical ...
Balagué Gómez, Lluís; Arimany Serrat, Núria; Amat Salas, Oriol(OmniaScience, 2024)
Purpose: The aim of this work is to highlight the advantages of applying the Organic Model to organizations. It considers the example of European Ethical Banking, which came about as the result of the impetus of this model. ...