Documents de recerca, en accés obert, com ara articles de revista, llibres, comunicacions, ponències o posters a jornades i congressos, etc., del Departament de Dret de la UPF.
Ramírez Ludeña, Lorena(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2023)
Los precedentes vinculantes verticalmente son a menudo rechazados en la tradición del civil law a partir de tres argumentos interrelacionados: (1) los jueces no crean derecho, simplemente lo aplican; (2) los jueces están ...
Planas Gifra, Laura(Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI), 2021)
The construction of global norms has always been complex, but today this has become more evident than before. The willingness to create an international legal framework might be less seductive than before. What is more, ...
Rueda Vásquez, José Miguel; Molina Gómez, Julián R.; Cubillos Ruiz, Álvaro(Universidad La Sabana, 2022)
La evolución de los modelos de organización humana ha permitido el surgimiento de modernas estructuras estatales que, para el caso colombiano, se cristalizan en el Estado social de derecho adoptado en la Constitución ...
Rueda Vásquez, José Miguel(Fundação Getúlio Vargas Escola de Direito, 2023)
This paper seeks to investigate the interaction between Law, society, and social change in the context of a judicial case. For this purpose, the case of Colombian Constitutional Court decision C-075 of 2007, on the recognition ...
Ruiz Cabello, Úrsula(Sociedad Española de Investigación Criminológica, 2022)
La literatura previa sobre la toma de decisiones sancionadoras en instituciones penitenciarias ha puesto de relieve la existencia de factores legales y extralegales que afectan a la elección de la respuesta disciplinaria. ...
The use of autonomous weapons is becoming one of the most significant threats to humanity in today’s society. One of the major issues confronting the use of autonomous weapons is that of command responsibility. This paper ...
The use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war is a grave violation of international law, as it violates the prohibition on using chemical weapons under customary international law. The war has erupted since Syrian ...
Gunawan, Yordan; Akbar, M Fabian; Ferrer Corral, Eva(Universitas Padjadjaran, 2022)
The research analyses the trade war between South Korea and Japan from the perspective of international law. The trade war involving South Korea and Japan was triggered by a decision by the Supreme Court of South Korea ...
Gunawan, Yordan; Wibowo, Ghiyats Amri; Arumbinang, Mohammad Hazyar(Sharia Faculty of UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, 2023)
This study discusses foreign fighters who take part in the Ukrainian armed conflict. The aim of this study is to know about the history of the armed conflict of Ukraine, study the relevance of International Humanitarian ...
The use of new technological developments in warfare, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones), has become a threat to international law due to the infliction of unnecessary suffering and injuries. In late July ...
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has impacted practically every aspect of life worldwide, particularly Asia. Governments from various States work hard to prevent and mitigate the spread by instituting ...
Gunawan, Yordan; Budiman, Arif; Fauziah, Nafiza; Syamsudin, Wa Ode Fithrah Az-zalia(Unissula - Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, 2023)
The work of journalists on the battlefield is a tough duty with all the consequences and the threat of death that can occur at any time. This also happen to the journalist in the war between Russia and Ukraine. The case ...
Today’s unresolved human rights issue is racial misbehavior and police brutality in all of its manifestations. The United States of America stands as a horrifying example of a State that has failed to protect its citizens ...
Gunawan, Yordan; Haque, Amarta Yasyhini Ilka; Rahma, Moli Aya Mina; Andrian, Nazella Jeanny(Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, 2022)
Introduction to The Problem: As one of the countries which ratified the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, Indonesia recognizes the protection of child ...
Gunawan, Yordan; Riyanto, Aisyah Ajeng Putri; Putri, Wandita Surya; Asela, Cyabriena; Irrynta, Dwilani(Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, 2022)
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is referred to as one the peaceful settlement of the international dispute in the form of a multilateral agreement restricting Iran's nuclear development in exchange for the ...
En el presente trabajo se vuelve a incidir en el desarrollo de una teoría de la intervención en el delito parcialmente discrepante con respecto al tradicional abordaje de la cuestión por parte de la teoría dominante. La ...
Ragués i Vallès, Ramon(ediUNSUniversidad Nacional del Sur, 2013)
En el Derecho penal moderno la atribución de responsabilidad por la realización de una gran mayoría de comportamientos penalmente prohibidos requiere que el sujeto sea conocedor de aquellas características objetivas de su ...
Enhancing legal certainty is one of the main values that are sought in the investor–state dispute settlement system. The importance of legal certainty is strengthened in the case of renewable energy investments, which are ...
Iglesias Vila, Marisa(ediUNSUniversidad Nacional del Sur, 2016)
En este trabajo me centraré en el Tribunal de Estrasburgo por ser la jurisdicción internacional con una doctrina más consolidada sobre el lugar que debe ocupar el criterio estatal en la interpretación y aplicación de un ...